Sunday, December 21, 2008

Letter from the Editor

Dear readers, listeners and participators,

Welcome to Fanboy Remix.
We know there are many options on the web to get news and opinions on the world of entertainment and the team here would like to thank you all sincerely for taking time out of your lives to visit us.

So, what is Fanboy Remix?

Fanboy Remix is a news and opinion blog that covers the multimedia bonanza that is television, movies, music and video games. This includes the people that make them and in some cases the technology used to create them.

We will strive and hopefully succeed in giving opinions on these matters that have their basis in fact. You will see well researched stories here and if we state an opinion we will have the ammunition to back it up. Statements like "I'm over it" or "Does the world really need ____" Will be followed by reasons for feeling this way and will always be presented as one person's opinion and not as fact.

But make no mistake this will be a site of strong opinions and ones that not everyone agrees with. Fanboy Remix encourages you to challenge the members of our team with your own well thought out opinions. We want to have a discourse here at the site about the things we love. In fact that's what the site and the name Fanboy Remix is all about.

It is about changing up the image of the fanboy that has been cultivated for so long. A vision of an angry kid with a social disorder who just wants to hate things to hate them. The truth is we know more about this world than anyone. We devote our lives to it and we should be respected for that. Well this is the place to earn that respect. Let's form a community in the truest sense of the word.

As per the future of the site, it is my sincerest wish that the site always be evolving and changing. It should be a living thing that changes with what, not just we the writers, but you the fans desire.

Again thank you for visiting us here and please keep coming back.

Bobby Shortle
Managing Editor

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